The Biblical Dynasty

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The Biblical Dynasty (An Article by Roman Piso)
(03-05-11, updated 04-02-11, Roman Piso)

The Biblical Dynasty was a family that generation after generation for several hundred years were the world's religion-makers. And there is a tie-in with each of the leaders of this Biblical Dynasty, they were all descended from the founder of this Biblical Dynasty; 'Adam' (aka Pharaoh Amenemhat/Amenemhept I).

Members of the Biblical Dynasty include: Adam/Amenemhept I, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Levi, King David, Jesus/aka Arrius Piso, Mohammad. If this is true and one family was creating religion, they would have been responsible for creating Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. That means that all of these religions are frauds produced by one family (with several branches) whose family business was religion. What was the purpose in creating religion? It was what many atheists have been saying for years, to dumb down the masses, and to better control and manipulate them. In addition to these things, religion was a source of income and wealth as well.

'Adam' and the Biblical Dynasty. Adam had many children. According to Flavius Josephus (aka Arrius Piso), who was a direct descendant of Adam (and therefore, a member of the Biblical Dynasty), 'Adam' had 33 sons and 23 daughters.* This is the same thing that Pharaohs of the same period are known for. We call items such as this "comparing parallels". In our research, we look for things such as these as evidence and indicators.**

By the way, in case it hasn't occurred to you, the very people who invented these religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), themselves were atheists. All members of the Biblical Dynasty knew the truth about the religions that they had created; that they were false and full of lies and made-up concepts and characters. And, that there was no real omnipotent "God" as presented in the Bible. If there were, then the Pharaoh would not have dared play his part, make up the story of Adam and Eve, and tell all the lies that he did about that "God". Instead, the Pharaoh himself was doing what his ancestors did and carried the title of god and played the part of god in Genesis because he felt that he had a right to do so as he already was a 'god'. But in fact, he was no real god; he only appeared that way to those who didn't know any better and/or who wanted to believe it (through ignorance, misinformation, etc.).

The many connections between the Biblical Dynasty and Egypt. This information is mostly for researchers and so, I will keep it brief and to the point. Adam and Seth. Seth is the same as the Egyptian son of the Pharaoh that invented and played Adam, his name was Sesostris. Again, Adam's many children was the same as with many Pharaohs of the period. The "Garden of Eden" is probably a reference to a wonderful garden which belonged to the Pharaoh, which appears to have been the garden of 'Aten/Aton' with the letters transliterated or changed according to certain rules (the Pharaoh in question promoted the god Aten).

'Adam' as Aten/Aton, the sun god. As Pharaoh, he was associated with Aten. The name Adam was part of this Pharaoh's name and so was Aten. Certain letters were seen as being the same as or equal to other letters and so, 'Adam' would have been the same as 'Aten' because 't' and 'd' were interchangeable, as were 'n' and 'm'. This is how many of the members of the Biblical Dynasty were able to both hide their true identity and also be able to claim authorship of the texts that they had actually written.

The Itho-phallic symbols of the ancient Egyptians were incorporated into the new religions that the Biblical Dynasty were creating.*** And so, researchers have noticed them and made note of them. This is particular evident in the New Testament texts. Other Egyptian symbols are found in the representations found in Exodus regarding the seven plagues of Egypt and elsewhere. There are many, many connections between the biblical and extra-biblical texts and Egypt. One of Noah's sons is named 'Mizraim', meaning '(the) Egyptian', for instance. And, there are Egyptian name and title components found in the names used by those who were members of this Biblical Dynasty. Name/title parts such as 're'/'ra', 'yah', and others which are equivalents to these and others either through letters or even phonetics.

In the New Testament, 'Jesus' is called 'The New Adam'. This is because, he inherited the use of the title of 'God' from the first 'God' of the Biblical Dynasty - Adam (aka Amenemhat/Amenemhept I). There are many 'Prophets' who had written several of the books of the Bible. We know from ancient sources that these prophets were also members of this same Biblical Dynasty. We have also noted that there is a mysterious person known as 'The Egyptian' who is mentioned in both the works of Flavius Josephus and the New Testament texts. Interesting.

This information, for the time being, will have to suffice. But most definitely, there will be more to come.

* It was the practice of Pharaohs to marry sisters/half-sisters and other close relatives. The question is often asked "where did Cain's wife come from? If there were no other people yet, then did he marry a sister of his?" Others have argued that another set of people were created after Adam & Eve who lived in the land of Nod. Interesting. Then how come we don't hear about *their* creation? How do we know that *they* were not in fact created first? The real answer is that Adam really was not the first man ever created, but he was the first man (Pharaoh) to create a new Egyptian Dynasty; and more importantly, the Biblical Dynasty. The number given for Adam's children is found in a footnote in Whiston's edition of Josephus at the bottom of page 27. Also, we are not told the names of the wives of many of the other members of the Biblical Dynasty. However, when we discover their true identities, then we find that the names of their wives have been recorded in parallel history or texts. It is kind of like placing a transparency with the missing information over the information that we already have so that the completed picture then filled in. Since Seth was really the Pharaoh Sesostris (for instance), then we know that his wife was actually his sister/half-sister Neferu III.

** Knowing that ancient history and other ancient texts were actually tightly controlled by certain royals and that what they wrote was done in a certain context, we of the NCS then examine and gather evidence according to the way that we know those ancient texts to have actually been written. We know what items were placed in those texts and for what purposes. The evidence that we find proves what we have found, the 'indicators' are the many hints, clues and other items that point us towards more evidence and verification. One of the things that we of the NCS have been trying to do is to inform and educate people to the fallacies that have been misleading even those people of academia. An important thing to consider is in first determining the mental status of those who were writing those ancient texts before deciding what validity to give them or in what context they should be examining those texts in. Example, Arrius Piso (aka Flavius Josephus) was a psychopath. And thus, his writings are different from those who would not have been so. Also, we have been trying to emphasize the importance of just who should be allowed into academia. We would bar religious people and/or anyone who would start out with an agenda or bias and who would only use academia to further there own agenda; and most especially, we would not allow psychopaths into academia (religious people have a tendency to become secondary psychopaths or psychopaths by proxy).

*** A very informative and well researched source for Itho-phallic references in the Bible can be found in 'The Rise, Fall & Decline of the Roman Religion' by James Ballantyne Hannay, c. 1925.

The Biblical Dynasty: A  Brief Commentary
(04-05-11, Roman Piso)

While working on the genealogical links between the various religious figureheads mentioned in the bible and elsewhere, it occurred to me that I should probably write out something short and simple which would cover many of the most basic implications that are involved in this "biblical dynasty" that I have been researching. What I wanted to do was to just state a few facts which were given to us by those ancient authors themselves.

For instance, anyone who has read and did even a little research knows some of the basics about who was descended from whom. If we take the bible or biblical texts as being at least in part true, then we know that the biblical dynasty had to descend from 'Adam'. We have already covered elsewhere just who 'Adam' was (the pharaoh that founded the 12th dynasty). So, we have a line of descent from 'Adam' down to Noah. And from Noah to other figures or people mentioned in the biblical texts. We know, for instance, that Abraham was directly descended from Noah. And we know that Moses was directly descended from Abraham. So, here we already have all of the people as members of this biblical dynasty. It is a matter of their own record; which they also made public record via the biblical texts themselves.*

Now, as we had stated, we have found 'Adam' not to be the first man, but the first man to found a new dynasty, the biblical dynasty. And, he was a pharaoh. So, what we do logically from here with such information is to find whatever connections exist between those descendants of 'Adam' (the pharaoh) and Egypt. And we have found many of them.**

Summary ( Regarding Judaism, Christianity, and Islam)

So, what does this mean? It means that religion was a family business, one produced and controlled by a dynasty, and not the honest or forthright thing that most people have imagined it to be for all these years. It means that Judaism as a religion, was a lie. It means that Christianity was created deliberately to succeed Judaism as a 'better' means to control and manipulate the populace.*** It means that any legitimate claims that Islam had to having been true are also made invalid. And, all the other religions and denominations which are off-shoots of these are likewise rendered invalid - as they were all based on lies which were formulated by this one family with several branches; the biblical dynasty.

Further notes (Regarding the descendants of 'Adam')

The descent of Moses.
Regardless of what other names or characters 'Moses' may have invented and/or played, he was nonetheless a member of this family and an important; and thus, central one. It is Moses who composed the book of Exodus and who wrote the stories therein. And once people are aware of his sources and actual meanings of the things he wrote about in Exodus, his part in the fraud becomes very apparent.

The descent of the "New Adam" (aka Arrius Piso).
No matter if you agree or disagree that Arrius Piso invented & played 'Jesus' or not, the New Testament says (in the Gospels) that 'Jesus' was descended from both a) King David (which also means 'Adam') and he was also descended from the Levitian line (i.e. from Levi), and therefore, descended from 'Adam' via that line as well. He was of the "Biblical Dynasty", and whoever he was, 'Jesus' was a member of that family who deliberately fabricated stories and ran religion as a business.

The descent of Mohammad.
(See the genealogical chart for the descent of Mohammad from Adam via Abraham)

* The Pharaoh Amenemhat/Amenemhept I (aka 'Adam') and his descendants down to Noah and his sons wrote Genesis. Moses and his immediate family wrote Exodus. The actual authorship of other biblical and extra-biblical texts will be determined as more of this unfolds. A general association has already been established for the books of the prophets because they are all known to have been direct descendants of 'Adam' and so, likewise, members of this biblical dynasty.
** See the genealogical chart showing the descent of Noah and many of the other figures in the Bible as coming directly from Adam; and thus, having been members of this "Biblical Dynasty".
*** Christianity was created by a psychopath (Arrius Piso) who created it to be more inhumane towards non-psychopaths, and yet more accommodating or "psychopath friendly" for the benefit of psychopaths such as himself.

The Biblical Dynasty & The Truth About Religion
(04-06-11, Roman Piso)

For some time now I have been busy trying to tell the world the truth about religion. I have even said that the people responsible for the world's more pervasive religions were my own ancestors. And this is true. I have tried to inform the world as to what they did and why they did it, and to help people to understand this step-by-step. It is my responsibility to do my best to undo the harm that my ancestors did to the world. And so, there is no choice but for me to continue until everyone is informed of this and finally accepts the truth about religion.

This is not the easiest thing for me to say or talk about, but it is true that some of my ancestors were indeed psychopaths. Also, there are some of my relatives who know that I have been telling the world about this, but who would rather I not do so. I know the damage that the lies and twisted ideologies have caused and will continue to cause if left unchecked. This is now about the survival of the human race and the rest of the world. The result of what my ancestors did is that the world is now a place in which psychopaths run free, occupy positions of authority and remain in a position to control and manipulate the populace. And if humanity is to survive, it cannot be left in the hands of psychopaths.

My ancestors had already known how to rule and control the masses when they began to create the three main religions of the world. This is because they had been ruling over dynasties even before dynasties were formally known as such. And that was long before the person known to the world as 'Adam' had existed. Those earliest 'dynasties' are called by archaeologists by the term "proto-dynasties". These ancestors of mine established the first dynasty in Egypt.

It wasn't until the 12th dynasty that the pharaoh Amenemhep I (aka Amenemhat I, etc.) began to create the religion that would later become known as Judaism. He was the founder of the 12th dynasty, but he was also creating another dynasty parallel to that one which was known to his family and descendants as the "biblical dynasty". This pharaoh had envisioned the way that he wanted his religion to be and left instructions for its further creation and establishment to his descendants. He had created the first part of the story of Genesis and borrowed from some from already known religions for some of the other portions of his religion.* This religion, was only a part of what he had envisioned to do.

He needed to continue to rule over Egypt and so, he had assistance from his sons to create his then new religion - a monotheistic religion. In it, he, the pharaoh was the god and played the part of God. He also played the part of Adam. He, like many of the ancient rulers played around with words. He placed 'Adam' in a wonderful place which was called the "garden of Eden". It was a play on the letters that were used, it was actually, the "garden of Aten". That, was a royal garden belonging to the pharaoh himself. And the name 'Adam' was already a name by which this pharaoh was known. Other information about this pharaoh and the story of Genesis and others will be made known; but at this time, I am giving an overview of what these ancestors of mine did.

The Pharaoh's son Seth stayed with him in Egypt and ruled there with him and then also after he died. Another of his sons, known as 'Cain' went to another land to establish followers for the new religion with his brother's son Enosh. Cain had a son of his own whom he named after his brother's son who was helping him, Enoch. And Seth while ruling in Egypt was known as Sesostris, his Egyptian name. His son Enosh, had a son, and he named him after his uncle, calling him Kenan (Cainan). It was Cain and his descendants who established the people known as Cainanites. In the line of descent from Adam, Seth's wife is unnamed. But knowing that Seth as actually the Pharaoh Sesostris I, we then know that his wife was his sister or half-sister Neferu III. But to have given her name in the Bible would have revealed what the authors were trying to hide. And so, they either did not give the names of wives or they changed them so that they would not be recognized. The authors of the biblical texts actively and very diligently did what they could to hide the information that would expose the truth of what they were doing by whatever means possible, while still leaving parallel texts and information which did contain the missing information.

In the biblical texts, you will find the descent of Noah from Adam. What most people do not see, is how the names of these people still either contained the Egyptian names of their ancestors or are derivative of them in some way. One of the most telling ways of discovering this is to look at the 'a' (Ah/Yah) and 'o' (as 'Ah') sound used in these names (i.e. phonetics). Also, they still used the 'Re' and 'Aye' sounds from the Egyptian names and titles. There was a parallel line of descent from 'Adam' to that of Noah which descended from Adam's son Cain. And it is from that line that Noah got his wife Naamah. Also parallel to these was the still ruling line of the Pharaoh in Egypt. And so, knowing this, we know that Noah and his ancestors did not live for hundreds of years as the biblical text would have people believe, but lived lives that were of the same duration as other people of that time. That too, was another deliberate deception. The reason? So people could not easily figure out the truth about who 'Adam' and other members of the Biblical Dynasty were.

Years ago, I knew this. And this is how I discovered that my ancestors had used 'Egyptian' years instead of years as we know them to pull off this illusion. I can't go into further details here, but I have written about this and explained it all before. Now back to Adam (aka pharaoh Amenemhep I). He left instructions to his sons, namely Seth (Sesostris I) and Cain. Cain and Seth's son Enosh were busy establishing a new place, one in which they could begin to try out their new religion; to work out some of the 'bugs' you might say. It took them several generations, but they continued to work on Genesis. By the time of Noah, Noah was ready to play the part of God's ambassador to the world. He played the part of himself and wrote his sons into the story of the flood; which was a fictional flood that was borrowed from the story of Gilgamesh.

Noah's sons, then went on to establish various kingdoms of their own. In the story, it was as if Noah was the beginning of a new world. He inherited the right to play God from the original 'god' himself, the pharaoh Amenemhep I. From Noah's son Shem, descended a line of the biblical dynasty down to Abraham; and from Abraham, Moses was descended. And so, we can see that Moses was a direct descendant of the pharaoh Amenemhep I, thus, a member of the Biblical Dynasty, and informed of what all the other members knew - the truth about religion.

And a story was invented and used as a part of the then new religion. I have written about much of this before as well. I wrote about how the so-called 'miracles' in Exodus were actually accomplished, and I wrote about how the 7 plagues of Egypt were invented and how they actually referred to Egyptian symbols, themes, and gods. I wrote about how the parting of the Red Sea was actually a deliberate misleading statement referring to a geographical place at the "Reed Sea", where when the wind blows just right through hills there it parts the water in a certain spot at certain times of the year. A natural phenomenon.

Again, people such as Moses, David, and the Prophets who wrote much of the biblical documents were descended from people who knew the truth about religion, who had used it even in their distant past (to control and manipulate people), and thus, knew the truth about it being deliberate and misleading lies. Also remember this, Levi was the great-grandson of Abraham. And all those descended from the Levitian line were of this biblical dynasty. And regardless of who 'Jesus' was or who played him in the New Testament, the gospel texts declare his ancestry from Levi. And that he is also descended from King David, who was also a descendant of Abraham, and member of the biblical dynasty. So, here in revealing these things, we have shown three major religions to have been deliberate frauds perpetrated upon the world by this one biblical dynasty, through its various branches.**

* Such as the story of Gilgamesh for the flood story that he would have his descendants finish and play parts in.
** Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Judaism was created by the family and descendants of the pharaoh Amenemhep I (aka Adam-emenhep). Christianity was created by descendants of the biblical dynasty by the person who became known as 'Jesus'; and thus, this too, was created as a deliberate deception designed to trick and fool people so as to have them become believers. And, the prophet Mohammad was also a descendant of this biblical dynasty. That can be seen in the genealogy of his ancestral descent from Abraham via his son Ismael. In addition to this, the Koran mentions and revers 'Jesus', and this is supposed to be taken as sacred and true by the followers of Islam. And so, all three of these religions were inventions of this one biblical dynasty. This is the truth about these religions. They are illegitimate, because they were created out of lies and for the purpose of deceiving, controlling and manipulating people (and amassing wealth). They are not in the least true or to be believed.

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